Sunday, March 16, 2008

Words Men Use

1) Fine: Literally means that's just fine.

2) Five minutes: Five minutes, but please understand that the clock stops for incomplete passes, time outs, etc.

3) Nothing: Most likely, nothing

4) Go Ahead: Permission granted

5) Loud Sigh: Long efficient breath taken to more adequately oxygenate the blood

6) That's Okay: Perhaps not perfect, but that will do

7) Thanks: Thank you

8) Whatever: I have no preference, but thanks for asking

9) Don't worry about it I got it: I will take care of it and do not require any assistance


Erin said...

That's are soooo simple!! (to understand)

snarflemarfle said...


Happy to have found you, too!

(I'm kinda curious as to how you found me...not like I'm trying to be covert or anything, though)

My parents were just talking about you and your sister this morning. Actually more about your sis's husband. He apparently works for the same company as my husband!

Looking forward to catching up with you!

Pat said...

I love the word meanings, those are priceless and true, I may have to forward those on.