Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gummy Hunter

So I know we post a lot about our dog, but I had to share this story about something that happened yesterday...

As part of our easter gifts Al and I both received gummy candies. I got gummy octopuses (octopi or octopodes) and Al got gummy cherries. I'd been thinking about my gummy octopi all day long (yeah my work day is sad) so as soon as I got home I went for them. This prompted Al to eat her gummy cherries too. Much to the changrin of poor Kitty we started sharing by throwing pieces back and forth to each other. This turned into an unintentional monkey-in-the-middle session that drove her CRAZY! Then Al lazers a cherry to me only to have it ricochet off my hand and go behind the couch. DOH! I see this as the perfect opportunity to put our little vermin hunter to work. So we pull the couch out from the wall, coaxed her over (didn't take much coaxing) and sent her in. We were going to put the headlamp on her, but the batteries were dead. The gap between the wall and the couch was just wide enough for her to make it to the cherry, although I'm not sure it would have mattered. She was highly motivated and would have clawed her way to it if need be. She quickly scarfed it up and proceeded to back out (which is hilarious in itself, wish I had a vid of that). So happy ending for all involved.


Erin said...

I want a pic of Kitty with the headlamp on!!!

Mike said...

Ask and you shall receive.

Erin said...

AWESOME...i love it!!