Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can a purse ever be too big?

This past weekend, my wonderful husband and I did a little bit of shopping. Ok, actually I did almost all of the shopping, but he is such a sweetie and indulged me with two purses AND a new pair of shoes. What a great hubby!

Last week he saw a segment on the morning news on "Now, New, Next: Hot Handbags under $150." There was one purse that he thought I would especially like, so on Saturday we set off in search of it at Zara in the Galleria. The purse was easy to find and is really cute. After parading around the store with it on my shoulder, I decided that I needed to bring it home in order to make a final decision.

It looks like a normal purse

But it is gigantic!

So, dear readers...can a purse ever be too big? Does this look ridiculous?

Yes, I am asking you to comment and let me know what you think. (This is also my sneaky way of finding out if anyone other than our moms and my sister is reading!)


Erin said...

Does my vote count? I love it!

snarflemarfle said...

I would never want to get between a woman and her purse. But with two children and the amount of stuff I have to carry around, this would look much snazzier than my current arrangement!

gzvolanek said...

As for me it is huge. I tend to keep mine smaller otherwise I will over pack it. Might be good for me for long wkend or lap top.

Elizabeth said...

I am biased - it´s Zara :) Very cute!

Dana D. said...

Love the bag, but I have to say it is quite big. I know for me, the bigger the bag, the more I tend to shove in it.

Natasha said...

Ummm, it's TOTALLY NECESSARY! The bigger the bag, the more stuff you can carry. The more stuff you can carry... well, the more prepared you'll be.

Need some lipstick? No worries, you've got five to choose from... because they all fit in the bag.

Need a tire iron? Done. Fits in the bag, yes?

Extra pair o' shoes? You get my drift.

My vote's yes. :)

Pat said...

I was really behind on reading your blog, the purse is definitely too big for you, you might could use it as an overnight bag, I like your hair shorter and are you naked ?! I vote for keeping the little girl.